09 February 2015

Vehicle import regulations of Kenya

Steering Handle


Shipping Destination ports


Age restriction

Motor vehicles of over 8 years old are not allowed into Kenya.
This year, Kenya is allowing vehicles manufactured in the year 2001 and thereafter

Import duty rate

25% of the CIF value of the vehicle
VAT: 16% of the (CIF value + Import Duty + Excise Duty)
IDF: 2.25% of the CIF value or Ksh. 5,000, whichever is higher, is payable.

For Second hand motor vehicle
Import Duty25% of the CIF value of the vehicle
Excise Duty20% of the (CIF value + Import Duty)
VAT16% of the (CIF value + Import Duty + Excise Duty)
IDF2.25% of the CIF value

Another tax element called RDL(railway development levy) of 1.50% of the CIF.

General Information

First time arrivals with approved Work Permit and returning citizens residing outside of Kenya with original 2 year Work Permit abroad are allowed to import one vehicle duty free. Vehicle must be in the client’s possession for at least 1 year to be duty free. Vehicle must be less than 2,500cc. Vehicle must not be sold for at least 1 year after importation.
Documents should be sent 30 days in advance of vehicles arrival to reduce possible demurrage charges.
Vehicle must be imported within 90 days.
Left hand vehicles are prohibited unless authorization is granted from the Ministry of Transport.
Vehicles over 8 years old are prohibited.
The Vehicle cannot be taken from the port before registration. Registration process takes up to 10 days beyond the clearance of HHG’s. If shipped together the vehicle will be separated and kept at port. Storage, delivery and registration will be accrued.

Import documents required

Import Declaration Form (IDF)
Clean Report Finding (CRF) and vehicle log book – in English
C 15 Form and PIN Certificate
OBL – original, must state chassis & engine numbers, weight, make & model
Certificate of Title and Registration -original, must be in importer’s name, state chassis & engine serial numbers and engine capacity
Authority to import vehicle
Certificate of Road Worthiness – provided by the owner to the Kenya Bureau of Standards


no left hand drive vehicle allowed into Kenya
Customs will charge euros 120 for Processing fee
Cars or motorbikes should be registered before out from the port so they are offloaded from the container
The importer must have owned the vehicle for at least 1 year before the date of shipping for duty free or around 61% of taxes to be charged the vehicle must not be older than 8 years (only 2004 onward models are being accepted in 2011).

Go to see Shipping Information to Kenya >>>>
Reference: http://www.autowini.com/ad/Kenya/local-trade-information.do#book2