Shipping Destination ports
- Port Said
Import restriction
- Used cars imports allowed for handicapper only
- Cars under 1,600cc only
- No diesel or LPG cars. Only gasoline cars allowed
Import duty rate
- Customs Duty is based on CIF
- Sales Tax & Extra Tax are charged on (CIF+(CIF*Customs Duty))
- Diesel engined Cars, SUV, Vans are allowed to permitted company.
Vehicles Type Customs Duty(%) Sales Tax(%) Extra Tax(%)
Cars under 1,600cc 40% 15% 3%
Cars from 1,600cc to 2,000cc 135% 30% 5%
Cars from 2,000cc ~ 135% 45% 8.5%
General Information
- No diesel engine allowed.
Import documents required
- Certificate of origin.
- Certificate of manufacturing date (not more than 1 year old).
- Ownership proof.
- ID Dealing Card (for projects & companies).